You can detect bats using a bat detector. In this hackathon we will try to build one that works on LoRa, and sends bat data automatically.
We will need to build the hardware, some of the software and find a way to see what bat passed our sensor.
Monday August 20
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Tuesday August 21
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Thursday August 23
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Friday August 24
10:00-17:00, binnentuin

The FabLab currently has two 3D printers: the Ultimaker Original and the 2+. The Original is almost in working order, but not quite. We want to get the Original to print again in 5 days. Want to lend us a hand? You can find the assembly manual in the link.
Tuesday August 21
10:00-17:00, fablab
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, fablab
Thursday August 23
10:00-17:00, fablab
Friday August 24
10:00-17:00, fablab

“I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that.
Terms of service are often too long to read, but it's important to understand what's in them. Your rights online depend on them.
he community of TOSDR reads the terms of service of several online services for you, and rates them.
Saturday August 25
12:20-13:00, spullenlab
every evening of the week we show a movie that connects to the topics of Koppelting 2018.
The exact program will become available during this summer.
Tuesday August 21
20:00-21:00, spullenlab
Wednesday August 22
20:00-21:00, spullenlab
Thursday August 23
20:00-21:00, spullenlab
Friday August 24
20:00-21:00, spullenlab
In the 90s, the Internet suddenly became mainstream, and virtual reality with it. At least in films and tv series. I'm going to discuss the particular ways in which the Internet was portrayed as a virtual reality, and how this is linked to how the Internet features in our everyday lives today.
Saturday August 25
10:00-10:35, spullenlab

Review of an interesting research from Prof. Bas van Bavel about the historic cycli of market economics, published in his book 'The invisible hand? How market economics have emerged and declined since AD 500', 2016, and some observations about the present neo-liberal situation in Western economics.
Saturday August 25
14:40-15:15, spullenlab

I hear a lot of people talking about anarchism, sometimes as a thing of hope, often derogatory.
But what does it even mean? And can it help us create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible? Can a form be found to use it as an inspiration without falling into the traps or extremes of other "-isms"?
Maranke has a masters degree in constitutional law.
Sunday August 26
10:00-10:45, spullenlab

Wij willen graag weten welke informatie mensen over hun medicijnen willen hebben en hoe. Hoe moet het etiket eruit zien, hoe de bijsluiter. Wat moet daar allemaal op en in staan? Moet er meer digitaal?
Het programma:
Maandag 10-13u: Wat willen mensen weten over medicijnen?
Waar en hoe willen ze die informatie krijgen?
Woensdag 11-14u: Welke informatie moet in een on-pager (korte versie van bijsluiter)
Samen met Nan Hendricks van het CBG
Welke informatie moet op het etiket?
Donderdag 11-14u: Workshop etiketten en medicijnverpakkingen, hoe zij jij het eruit laten zien?
Vrijdag 10-12u: Digitale informatie medicijnen: hoe zou dat eruit moeten zien?
Monday August 20
10:00-13:00, binnentuin
Wednesday August 22
11:00-14:00, binnentuin
Thursday August 23
11:00-14:00, binnentuin
Friday August 24
10:00-12:00, binnentuin
Saturday August 25
16:25-16:40, spullenlab

This afternoon you will be able to: (1) get to know what Meet je Stad is, (2) do some real time data gathering and visualisation (on a bike) and (3) discuss the results and data of Meet je Stad.
A warm welcome to all people interested in grass roots data gathering.
Friday August 24
14:00-15:45, spullenlab
Participatie en democratie zijn hot topics, zo blijkt ook uit een analyse van de nieuwe coalitieakkoorden (zie hier): gemeenten willen burgers meer zeggenschap geven. Tenminste, voor zover bestaande kaders dit toelaten. Burgers mogen meer en eerder meepraten, maar wel binnen het bestaande besluitvormingsproces. Burgers mogen meer zelf doen maar moeten wel eerst bewijzen dat zij zaken slimmer, beter, goedkoper of anders kunnen doen. Op 26 augustus leggen we de democratische vernieuwingsdrang onder de loep.
Dat stelt Gijs van Oenen, universitair hoofddocent van de Erasmus Universiteit, in zijn boek ‘Overspannen democratie’. Het probleem is niet de ‘onwillige overheid maar een zichzelf democratisch overvragende burger.’ (Groene Amsterdammer 7.6.2018). Wordt de nietsontziende democratische levenshouding ons teveel van het goede’? In gesprek met de schrijver.
Sunday August 26
14:00-14:45, spullenlab

In 2015 startte de gemeente Peel en Maas een experiment met een gelote burgerraad. Wat is een gelote burgerraad precies? Welke democratische vernieuwing gaat daarachter schuil? En welke lessen zijn te trekken uit het driejarig experiment in Peel en Maas?
Sunday August 26
11:00-11:45, spullenlab

In 2012 ontwikkelde Nynke Tromp (universiteit Delft) samen met een team het idee om te stemmen op je verjaardag. Is de tijd rijp om dit idee in de praktijk te brengen?
Sunday August 26
15:00-15:45, spullenlab
A democracy only works if voters can think for themselves and can tell valid arguments apart from invalid ones.
But who do you believe in a discussion about subjects that you yourself know little about?
One way is to look at the arguments used in the discussion. Does the speaker use tricks and fallacies?
In this game we get to know some of the most basic fallacies, and once you know them, you see them everywhere!
Sunday August 26
12:30-13:00, spullenlab
DIEM25 - Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 - is een Pan-Europese beweging gericht op het versterken van de democratie in Europa. In Amersfoort starten we een themagroep gericht op democratische ontwikkelingen in Europa (in de context van een toekomstige Europese Democratische Grondwet) en in de DIEM organisatie zelf. Onze focus zal liggen op:
- sociale aspecten: democratische vaardigheden en besluitvormingsprocessen
- transparantie en open source technologie.
Nieuwsgierig? Wij ook! Dus kom er vooral over meepraten.
Sunday August 26
16:00-16:45, binnentuin

On a recent cycling trip, I have been extensively using Openstreetmap for finding my way, so I decided to contribute back. In this talk, I'll show how I used the OsmAnd Android app for both navigating and adding new data to the map. I'll give some pointers and tips on how to get started yourself right away!
Saturday August 25
11:30-12:05, spullenlab
Hypha is the CMS underneath this website and which is also being developed for meetjestad.net, destadsbron.nl en several others. We want to develop a good workflow in which more people than now can contribute.
In this session we will brainstorm, develop and implement this workflow.
Friday August 24
10:00-12:00, kantoor

In 2015, countries of the world underscribed 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be completed by all by 2030. For Fab Labs, makerspaces or whatever community organization and for individuals as well these SDG's could act as a frame of reference to identify what is most important for them, to give their work more focus and to find a match with their peers.
The Working Group “Fab Labs and SDG's” developed a format for a 2-4 hrs workshop to help fab lab staff to prepare their SDG profile (2-4 most relevant SDGs). At Koppelting 2018 we will tell about it and run a very condensed form of the workshop to help you develop your personal SDG profile and to compare it with your peers.
P.S. Unfortunately time was too short to run even a stripped version of the workshop. If you are interested, it would be a pleasure for me to run the full workshop in your fab lab / makerspace (free of course). You also can do it yourself. All materials are free to download, start with the manual for the fab lab manager (see hyperlink below). Just in case, my contact details are pvdh@sofos.nl, website www.sofos.nl, STEM-activities on www.ecois.sr. All the best! Pieter
Saturday August 25
14:00-14:35, spullenlab

Translating TOR browser to Dutch
Monday August 20
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Tuesday August 21
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Thursday August 23
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Friday August 24
10:00-17:00, binnentuin

Conventional sensor making is limited by market incentives and inherited approaches to measuring. DIY science offers time, access to a plentitude of brains, hands and skills, and use cases for less than state-of-the-art sensors. Brainstorm on how to equip the lab, which directions to explore, what to expect and whom to engage.
Thursday August 23
10:00-13:00, binnentuin
At Koppelting 2016 a first prototype was built of a 3d printer for concrete, making use of an industrial robot arm and a mortar mixer. Since then the project has been developing towards a delivering a printed park bench as a proof of concept in december 2017. The next step will be a printed tiny house made by a 100% open source concrete printer.
Saturday August 25
16:05-16:20, spullenlab
Finding open source software for personal devices is hard enough. Finding decent cloud services is even more of a challenge. Various tool exists, but installing them on a server is not as straightforward as one might hope. In this hackathon we will produce an instructable for setting up a server with portainer to run open source cloud services (like etherpad, nextcloud, riot, diaspora) alongside one another in docker images.
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
The saying goes: "If you can't open it you don't own it." We'd like to add: "It's no good if you have to use a screwdriver to simply turn it on." Hypha is a lightweight CMS for small to medium sized communities and project teams, offering the possibility to create a basic website that is easy to set up and maintain. Hypha's core philosophy is about empowering communities by offering its members intuitive tools rather than learning curves, all while sticking to the ethical standards embedded in open source software.
Tuesday August 21
10:00-17:00, kantoor
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, kantoor
Thursday August 23
10:00-17:00, kantoor
Friday August 24
12:00-17:00, kantoor

After the Snowden revelations, Volkswagen Dieselgate and the Cambridge Analytica scandal it should be clear that open source is our only safeguard against all sorts of malpractices, whether intentional or resulting from an lack of ethical incentives. In this workshop we will give an overview of available open source software for commonplace use and help figure out how to deploy it on your device.
Saturday August 25
14:00-17:00, binnentuin
Op 24 augustus start Bouwplaats Sociale Coöperaties. Vier keer per jaar komen wetenschappers en deelnemers aan sociale coöperaties bij elkaar om een nieuw begrippenkader te ontwikkelen. Elke bijeenkomst wordt afgerond met een publiek verslag en discussie.
Bouwplaats verwijst naar het dagelijks ploeteren van mensen om bestaanszekerheid te waarborgen, voor zichzelf en voor anderen. Zonder het zelf door te hebben leggen deze burgerinitiatieven een claim op sociale grondrechten, daarom noemen we ze sociale coöperaties. Ze richten zich op: leefbaar inkomen, goede woning, gezond leefklimaat, goede zorg en passend onderwijs. Dit zijn rechten die in de Grondwet vastgelegd zijn als opdrachten aan de overheid. De overheid schuift die opdrachten steeds verder af naar de eigen vermogens van losse individuen of sociaal ondernemers. Collectieve solidariteit wordt steeds dunner, terwijl armoede en ongelijkheid juist toenemen.
De minimale taakopvatting van de overheid gaat gepaard met een taal en context waarmee vernieuwende initiatieven binnen dit gangbare systeem worden gehouden. Gangbare taal en definities mangelen de vernieuwingskracht. Bouwplaats doet een beroep op wetenschap en wetenschappers om hun kennis en kunde in te zetten voor een nieuwe taal waarmee sociale coöperaties meer begrip van en meer greep kunnen krijgen op de werkelijkheid.
Sunday August 26
12:00-12:25, spullenlab

Citizen science project Meet je stad has a meeting on the 21st of the month. During Koppelting the meeting we will start documenting the output of the past years in a wiki.
Tuesday August 21
20:00-23:00, fablab

Cryptocurrency has in recent years had a radical influence on the payment models for worldwide transactions. However, as more and more people worldwide start using distributed digital ledgers, serious questions should be raised about the environmental impact of these alternative digital currency solutions.
Saturday August 25
10:45-11:20, spullenlab

Vorig jaar werd in een brainstorm tijdens Koppelting het plan voor De Stadsbron geboren.
Inmiddels is er een eigen platform opgezet, software geschreven, een redactie gevormd. Sinds 1 juni dit jaar is De Stadsbron onine.
Redacteur Eric van der Velden vertelt over de voortgang en de doelstellingen.
Saturday August 25
16:45-17:00, spullenlab

What is necessary to write a good article for Wikipedia?
Where do you start? How can you contribute to existing articles?
Learn about the different open licenses, especially the Creative Commons licenses, and find out that the often used CC-NC license is not an open license.
Bring your own laptop and you can learn how to add content to the open online encyclopedia, or to one of the other projects of Wikimedia (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation), like Wikimedia Commons (images etc.) or Wikisource (the free library).
Monday August 20
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Wednesday August 22
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
Friday August 24
10:00-17:00, binnentuin
In de nacht van 26-27 juli werd in de Bilt de hoogste minimumtemperatuur ooit gemeten. De data van Meetjestad tonen aan dat de temperatuur in Amersfoort nog weer hoger was in De Bilt. Er werden temperaturen bereikt die volgens GGD adviezen oncomfortabel zijn. In deze bijdrage wordt het belang van de minimumtmperatuur benadrukt, die temperatuur is misschien nog wel belangrijker dan de maximumtemperatuur bij een hittegolf
Friday August 24
16:00-16:45, spullenlab

Koppelting 2017 started the development of a game that can be applied within an organisation in a workshop or training session to play with the scoring card, stimulate discussion and improve the awareness around topics of exclusion, how to tackle discrimination and how to promote participation and inclusion of persons with a disability. Matthijs Nederveen comes back to show the result.
Saturday August 25
15:25-15:40, spullenlab

In 2017 we read & experienced the Socratic Dialoque at the Social Lab at War. Now we are reading & studying the book Nonsense: the power of not knowing. It is about the surprising upside of ambiguity. The group is open for new members.
Saturday August 25
17:10-17:30, spullenlab
Saturday August 25
15:45-16:00, spullenlab

Saturday August 25
09:00-10:00, binnentuin
Sunday August 26
09:00-10:00, binnentuin

Monday August 20
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Tuesday August 21
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Wednesday August 22
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Thursday August 23
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Friday August 24
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Saturday August 25
13:00-14:00, binnentuin
Sunday August 26
13:00-14:00, binnentuin