Line-up for Koppelting 2024

Annual DIY-festival focusing on open knowledge and bottom-up solutions for society, from citizen science, journalism and technology to clothing, food, democracy and more.

workshop: transitielab - use your rain water!

Drinking water is becoming way too scarce to flush your toilet with!
Build a diy system that enables you to use rain water to flush your toilet, water your plants, wash your laundry or hatever you want to use it for.

hackathon: Biolab Amersfoort - Get to know the Scanning Electron Microscope

The Biolab will reopen its doors during Koppelting, with a brand new addition to its equipment: An electron microscope.
During the week days we will get to know and operate the machine, and so can you!

Photo: By Rechteinhaber: Dr. rer. nat. Alexander von Ardenne - by inheritance from my father Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Manfred von Ardenne; he died in 1997 (online at:, CC BY-SA 3.0,

other: Meet je Stad - Installing public MJS soil moisture sensors

The citizen science community of Meet je Stad has prepared some measurement stations for measuring soil moisture in the public space.
We will set out to plant them on strategic sites in town so we will have a useful series of soil measurements. Come and help us decide on good locations, and let's start digging! Also when you have build a sensor, but need help with the installation, join us and we can install it together.

demonstration: De WAR - Uitvinders laten zien

korte presentaties van uitvindrs en andere bouwers die laten zien wat ze aan het maken zijn. Doe ook mee!

Sandra Sijbrandij - Gidssoorten: hoe kan ik de biodiversiteit verbeteren?

lezing en excursie over gidssoorten.
meer info volgt.

lecture: Joris Van Dorpe - Do you believe in a connection between biological farming and science?

As a biochemist who is dreaming of a more sustainable planet, I started making a documentary about sustainable agriculture in 2021. After spending two years in the biological sector, I feel that I want to connect biological farming with science in a way that is better for both nature and humanity. During the hackathon we will improve the script of the documentary.

In this lecture at the end of the week we want to share the process of our hackathon and and have an open discussion about the way forward to create a holistic documentary about sustainable agriculture with the help of a high biodiversity of people.

hackathon: Matthijs & Joris - Are you interested in improving communication and collaboration in your community?

In De WAR, we work together with a lot of different people, loosely organized in a lot of different groups each with their own ideas, needs and backgrounds. To facilitate collaboration, we use number of tools for communication and collaboration, such as the kladblok, Element, Nextcloud, e-mail, etc., as well as a written and unwritten agreements on how to use these tools.

In this hackathon, we will take a good look at those tools and agreements to identify what works, what is lacking and what would be needed. We will look at how to make better use of existing tools, adding new tools to the repertoire if needed and write documentation on conventions for how and when to use these tools.

This hackathon will combine an organisational consideration of processes and needs, with a more technical view on tools and hands-on customization of these tools.

lecture: Matthijs & Joris - Improved communication and collaboration in grassroot communities

In De WAR, we work together with a lot of different people, loosely organized in a lot of different groups each with their own ideas, needs and backgrounds. To facilitate collaboration, we use number of tools for communication and collaboration, such as the kladblok, Element, Nextcloud, e-mail, etc., as well as a written and unwritten agreements on how to use these tools.

During the week, we will work on reviewing and improving these tools and processes. In this lecture, we will present the results of the week's work and provide insight in what is being used now, what works and what is lacking and proposals for improving this (hopefullly already implemented to some degree).

demonstration: Wikimedia - Wiki at Koppelting

Wikimedia is much more than Wikipedia!
There is Wikidata: a giant database of more than 110 million items which are readable by humans and by machine of many different sorts (multi-language);
there is Wikisource: a site for transcribing books that are free of copyright, in many different languages; then there is Wikimedia Commons: the multi-language repository of media: images, movies, …..;
and there are many more wikis.
We will be at Koppelting with experienced users, to demonstrate different parts of the Wikimedia-landscape.

hackathon: Meet je Stad - Meshtastic decentraal communicatienetwerk

Meshtastic maakt het mogelijk decentraal te communiceren via een LoRa netwerk. Het is open source en community driven, dus laten we beginnen!
In deze hackathons zoeken we uit hoe het werkt en maken we hopelijk een bigin met een netwerk, dat vanaf dat moment verder kan groeien.

hackathon: Margaret Gold - Help us build more Pollution Painter Kits

Our project 'Luchtkwaliteit in Beeld' (Air Quality in the Picture) makes use of a ‘light painting’ technique by connecting a PM2.5 sensor with a long LED strip and a combined Raspberry Pi/Arduino. This 'Pollution Painter Kit' translates the particulate matter measure into instructions to the LED for the speed and volume of lights to be flashed. By taking a photo with a long shutter speed, the air quality data is placed in the picture – the more dots of light there are, the more air pollution. We want to build more of these kits so that more people in more neighbourhoods can take their own photos – but we don’t have the soldering skills. Can you help us? We will then leave one working kit at the WAR!

hackathon: Joris Van Dorpe - Are you interested in informing people about sustainable agriculture?

As a biochemist who is dreaming of a more sustainable planet, I started making a documentary about sustainable agriculture in 2021. After spending two years in the biological sector, I feel that my documentary lacks many important voices on the topic. Therefore, I am looking for people who are interested in sustainable agriculture and feel like contributing to the process of making a holistic documentary including science and the biological sector.

During this week, we will work on the script this holistic documentary about sustainable agriculture and decide which people to interview on the topic. Anyone who is interested to help in some way is very welcome to join. We are looking for voices from the biological sector, farmers, scriptwriters, journalists, movie makers, storytellers, curious people etc.

I am looking forward to see what a group of diverse and curious people can create together in one week and would like to end by sharing our process :)

lecture: Joris Van Dorpe - Heeft tijd een oorsprong?

Thomas Hertog is kosmoloog en als collega van Stephen Hawking werkte hij recent hun laatste boek 'The origin of time' af. In deze lezing kijken we samen naar een aflevering van de Vlaamse podcast 'Zwijgen is geen optie' waarin het voornamelijk gaat over het laatste hoofdstuk van zijn boek Het ontstaan van de tijd. Over hoe zijn theorie de wetenschap weer onder de mensen brengt en hoe hij daarmee een antwoord geeft op de vervreemding waar Hannah Arendt voor waarschuwde.

Na de aflevering van 50 minuten houden we een korte gemodereerde open discussie over de mogelijke impact van dit boek op de wetenschap. (Lecture is in Dutch)

lecture: Joris Van Dorpe - Should we genetically modify plants?

Geert de Jaeger is a passionate professor biotechnology at Ghent University. In this lecture, we watch an episode of the Flemish podcast 'Zwijgen is geen optie' in which there is a discussion with English subtitles about biotechnology, genetic modification and its history, about CRISPR and its European regulation, about technology and the fundamental paradox of wizard and prophet.

After the episode of 50 minutes, there is a short moderated open discussion about biotechnology.