Welcome-address, introducing ourselves and sorting out technical hiccups.
Saturday January 30
09:30-10:00, Plenary
Ever since the start of Meet je Stad we have planned to build an Android app. So far, some attempts have been made, but no useful result. In this hackathon we will try again to build a very simple app and plan how to extend it in the future.
Saturday January 30
17:00-17:30, Plenary
Brainstorm about how to formulate an open community license.
For hardware as well as software there are open licenses that tell user what they can and cannot do when using the product.
Scientists, consultants and governments often write citizen science communities into their grant proposals without even consulting them, promising things that the community may not even approve of.
Communities have their own values and ways that make them what they are. Now that citizen science communities' merits, names and results are starting to get claimed by consultants, businesses and governments, maybe it is time to draft an open community license. This license should for instance tell under what conditions the name of a community project can be used.
Sunday January 31
16:00-16:45, Plenary

For the analysis of large amounts of diverse data, graphical presentation is essential.
Time and geographical graphs of various types are available on the Meetjestad website.
Focussing on the time graphs, an overview, explanation of their meaning and significance, and background about how they are made is provided.
Saturday January 30
12:00-12:45, Room 2

KITT Engineering is a small R&D Company specialized in Creative ICT projects. The team is used to high end commercial EDA tools. Last year we decide to participate in the open source project "MeetJeStad" using strictly open source tools and publish our results and contributions. How that work out? What were the problems we encountered, and what are the benefits?
Sunday January 31
10:45-11:20, Plenary
The latest addition to Meet je Stad is a soil moisture sensor. It had to be cheap, DIY and yet reliable. In this session we show the results with the latest model, review the technical pitfalls we encountered so far, which challenges still need to be solved and discuss specific ideas for improvements for a version 3!
Saturday January 30
11:00-11:45, Room 2
Recently, together with the municipality we started measuring soil moisture, using a prototype cheap DIY sensor, on different locations within Amersfoort. With the development of a first version expected end of spring we can start to think about what we, as a community, would like to know about soil moisture and measure ourselves. In this session we’ll show where we have been measuring so far (and why) and we would like to gather your thoughts on what you would like to know about soil moisture? Where do you want to measure? Perhaps you already have a specific location in mind? With these ideas we can devise a plan for follow-up projects.
Saturday January 30
14:00-14:45, Room 2
Many people have data, either from their home made sensor, from a weather station or from whatever other fascination.
But for non-programmers making a nice, insightful visualisation is a bit harder.
Wouldn't it be nice to have an open source, easy to use yet flexible toolkit for data visualisation?
We imagine a lego-like, Scratch-like system that allows you to connect building blocks that access data, process it and visualise it.
This is a brainstorm session in which we design an outline for how we wat it to work, and who knows, we might even start coding.
Saturday January 30
16:00-16:45, Room 1
Citizen science holds the twin promise to both collect local environmental data and engage a group of citizens around current societal topics. To successfully launch a sustainable effort however a bottom-up approach is needed that conflicts with received wisdom about prevalent top down models of organisation. In this session we will share best practices from Meet je Stad! and present some guidelines for using our platforms.
Saturday January 30
11:00-11:45, Room 1
We invite you to become part of Sensor.Community. - Build a sensor, collect Open Data, share it in a continuous stream with the global network and join forces in local Sensor.Community groups.
> 13.000 sensors in > 70 countries > data-points (January 2021)
The main website https://sensor.community/en/ is available in 13 languages.
Sunday January 31
14:00-14:45, Plenary

Citizen initiatives try to measure air quality as good as possible.
Sometimes a measuring station/environment locally shows a clear deviation.
This can have a technical reason, and be a measurement error, but there may also be a real cause.
It is quite easy to determine the size of the deviation.
Sometimes it is also possible to locate the actual cause (particulate matter source), and sometimes with an accuracy of meters.
And with some effort, it can also be determined over what distance the air quality is affected.
This means that a measurement initiative may even be able to identify a possible pollution sources.
But then?
-> SMAL Zeist has always set itself the goal of measuring as accurately as possible, and not to interfere with measures and policy.
The questions we ask ourselves in this open discussion:
* Do you really want to be able to identify local sources as a citizen measurement initiative?
* Is it desirable that citizens' initiatives can locate sources of particulate matter in such detail?
* What conclusions can / may you draw based on raw measurements?
* What position do you want to take as a citizens' initiative?
* Do you want to use actual measurements for the personal interests of participants?
* What if you have a neutral approach yourself, but third parties enter the barricades with the same measurement data?
* And if you, as a measurement initiative, would choose to take an active role, what is and what is not desirable?
Sunday January 31
15:00-15:45, Plenary

How works the actual production, packaging, pricing and distribution?
Which are the next steps to improve the kit, the distribution, the functionning and the maintain work?
What are the needs of the user and the organizations?
Hoe would like to participate on discussions and work to improve?
Feedbacks and ideas are welcome.
Sunday January 31
10:00-10:35, Plenary

For the last year or so, Meetjestad has been working on the design for a new sensor station, intended on one hand to allow adding air quality measurements, but on the other hand making the platform more flexible and extendable for future experiments.
The first batch of 20 prototype boards has been put up in Amersfoort and a bigger prototype batch is currently being worked on. In this talk I will look back to what has been done up till now and look forward to see what the open questions and challenges are.
Saturday January 30
10:00-10:45, Plenary
LV2 has developed an air quality analysis package ALVA. The capabilities of the software include inspection and correction of data,correlation with weather data, statistics, mathematical manipulation of time series and checking of legal bounds. Programme flow is flexible. Capabilities can be “quite easily” added.
The software (python- 1980’s carddeck user-interface), has been distributed to other Citizen Science groups in Zuid-Holland. The interface to RIVM and luchtmeetnet data was supplied by Citizen Science Gouda. The idea is that the software will be distributed via github, but LV2 did not yet have the opportunity to investigate this venue.
Saturday January 30
15:00-15:45, Room 1

FreshWater Watch is a global water quality monitoring citizen science project. It is easy for anyone to take part using low cost kits. We will demo the kits, as well as discussing how FreshWater Watch can work alongside other sensors and data sources to help answer important questions about the health of freshwater ecosystems globally and locally.
Saturday January 30
16:00-16:45, Room 2

In this talk we will present our plans for a citizen science project in the Red Sea Hills of Sudan. The project aims to bridge traditional and scientific knowledge and increase awareness of past and present environmental changes by focusing on the collapse and recovery of the red-listed dragon blood tree. There is a severe lack of data on local climate and we will present our plans for using Meet je Stad sensors to collect such data that is required for biodiversity conservation. We will also discuss the challenges to apply modern technology in such a remote area.
Sunday January 31
12:15-13:00, Plenary

In Tilburg the data collected from Meet je Stad measurement stations and open data from the government are being combined to inform, inspire and activate citizens about climate adaptation in our city. Monitor of the City is a programme from the Futurelab in our LocHal Library, in association with a lot of local partners. We'll tell you about our steps so far, and our plans for the future.
Sunday January 31
11:30-12:05, Plenary
Low-cost sensors have been developed in recent years in order to collect large quantities of data concerning particulate matter measurements (PM2.5). The use of low-cost sensors comes with a drawback. These sensors sometimes produce biased results making part of the data useless and noisy.
Statistical methods can be used to measure the error of low-cost sensors and to improve PM2.5 measurements. These methods were tested on the data gathered in the city of Utrecht at the beginning of 2020.
Saturday January 30
14:00-14:45, Room 1
Als we beter met de bodem omgaan -minder bemesting, slim (of niet) ploegen, gewasstroken of voederhagen aanleggen, innovatief waterbeheer uitvoeren, bos- en natuurfuncties integreren- dan willen we ook kunnen meten dat we goede kant opgaan, dat de bodem ook inderdaad vitaler wordt, meer vocht vasthoudt, meer bodemleven ontwikkelt, dat de organische stof effectiever in humus wordt omgezet en minder broeikasgassen als CO2, methaan en lachgas uitstoot.
Eric Brinckmann van landgoed Het Lankheet waar bodemexperimenten plaatsvinden vertelt over het project Sensorisch landschap waarin met behulp van vocht- en CO2-sensoren, die door Coöperatie PlanB worden ontwikkeld, en een eDNA-profiel gekeken wordt of de maatregelen leiden tot een vitalere bodem. Paul Brouwer van Plan B gaat in op de ontwikkeling van de sensoren en het meetnetwerk.We spreken daarnaast over de enorme variëteit aan micro-leven dat in de bodem leeft, hoe je dat zichtbaar maakt en wat dat ons zegt over de vitaliteit. Sensorisch landschap is een meetmethode die wordt ontwikkeld binnen het kader van de Open Bodem Index (OBI). Op kortere termijn moet dat leiden tot een handige ‘bodemkoffer’ voor de landeigenaar -gebruiker.
Saturday January 30
15:00-15:45, Room 2
With the growing interest in Meet Je Stad, more and more cities are looking at the possibility to start a similar initiative. One example of a recently started Meet Je Stad is that of Meet Je Stad Utrecht. During this lecture Meet Je Stad Utrecht will share how they started this initiative, what went well and what they would have done differently knowing what they know today. After the lecture there will be room for questions and discussion.
Saturday January 30
12:00-12:45, Room 1
Wave goodbye, exchange contacts and plan for next year.
Sunday January 31
17:00-17:30, Plenary