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Koppelting is a continuation of the fabfuse unconferences that took place since 2012. During these years the scope widened from fablab oriented topics to grassroots organisation, open knowledge and peer production. For each of these past editions, the website, lineup and a comprehensive video registration of talks held is available on this page. For some of these, notes have been kept during the conference by the visitors. The notes for each session can be found through the lineup page.

Fabfuse 2012

This was the first Fabfuse, with a focus on grass-roots fablab organisation and Fablab machinery.
Visit the website, lineup, or video archive.

Fabfuse 2013

This edition of Fabfuse focused on the building of a community around a Fablab, and sharing of knowledge within such a community.

Visit the website, lineup or video archive.

Fabfuse 2014

Starting with this edition, Fablabs were no longer the main focus of the conference. Instead, grass-roots organisations in the broader sense, open-source software and citizen science are common among the talk subjects.

Visit the website, lineup or video archive.

Fabfuse 2015

Topics for this year's edition include the ethics of peer production, subsistance manufacturing and hacking education.

Visit the website, lineup or video archive.

Koppelting 2016

Visit the festival2016 lineup or video archive 

Koppelting 2017

Visit the festival2017 lineup or video archive 

Koppelting 2018

Visit the festival2018 lineup.

Meetkoppel 2019

Visit the meetkoppel'19 lineup.

Koppelting 2019

Visit the festival2019 lineup

Meetkoppel 2020

Visit the meetkoppel'20 lineup.

Meetkoppel 2021

Visit the meetkoppel'21 lineup.

Koppelting 2023

Visit the koppelting'23 lineup.

Meetkoppel 2024

Visit the meetkoppel'24 lineup.