Annual Community Science Unconference.

Finally Meet je Stad will deliver data to your smart phone. Your sensor station can now be taken care for like a Tamagotchi. It will ask for attention when it's battery runs down and treat you to live data visualisations in return.
Sunday 28 January
17:15-18:00, Auditorium

Last years we have started building an insect counter using a radar module. This year we will make a first working prototype!
With a radar module we measure insects passing by. We hope to use the data to determine them, and to be able to measure insect-diversity automatically.
Saturday 27 January
20:00-22:00, FabLab
At Meetkoppel 2024 we will present the outcomes of the brainstorms we had with many community science people about what tools to use to get a thriving community.
Sunday 28 January
10:00-10:30, Auditorium

✈️ In this interactive session we will dive into the world of flight tracking by harnessing the power of ADS-B transponder signals from commercial aircraft.
The session will kick off with a brief introduction, after which we dive into the ocean of flight data that was collected during 2023, using ElasticSearch for processing and Kibana for visualization.
Our aim is to provide a hands-on experience, allowing you to interactively explore the data with us. Whether you’re a data enthusiast, aviation geek, or just curious, this session promises to be an enlightening journey through our local skies. 😜
Saturday 27 January
10:00-10:45, Auditorium

introduction to the open source websystem, in which you can add your measurements and generate a sewing pattern that fits you.
To make it even easier we will try to laser cut a whole piece of clothing in one go.
Drop by and make a piece of clothing!
Sunday 28 January
11:00-13:00, FabLab

It is becoming a tradition, Egon and Diana will try to track bats again at Meetkoppel. It seems that there may be tools now to track and identify bats automatically now.
Sounds like a nice theme for a hackathon!
(photo by Derek Keats)
Saturday 27 January
20:00-22:00, FabLab

Much work has been done over the past years to set up DIY measuring infrastructure: physically, financially and socially. We are gradually getting better at it. Just as much still needs to be done in terms of analysis and documentation. But to what end? Whom do we like to reach? In this session I would like to pick your brains on existing success stories and desired applications we may take inspiration from when developing the next set of tools in our box.
Sunday 28 January
11:40-12:20, Auditorium

many initiatives have data from their community. How safe is your data?
In this short workshop you will learn to use a couple of tools with which you can analyse what background processes communicate your data to whom. Is the data of your community members up for sale? And what can you do about it?
(image by Banksy)
Saturday 27 January
14:00-15:00, FabLab

The MJS2020 platform was developed for "future expansion". Now new sensors become available, how would they fit in this architecture. Also how to deal with sensors that should operate continuous? This presentation show my vision upon these topic?
Saturday 27 January
12:00-12:45, Auditorium

The OpenTherm gateay (OTGW) is a open source project by Schelte Bron (link to his website below). The OTGW allows you to listen in on the communication between the thermostat and your central heating device. I have been working on a setup to heat the house faster when solar energy is available. Particularly controlling the heating device turns out to be a challenge. Here I will present how far I have come trying to control an Elga heat-pump with OTGW, using Home Assistant and Grafana.
Sunday 28 January
16:15-17:00, Auditorium

In the past 1.5 years we have tried to make work from our idea to develop a DIY sensorkit that people can use to take measurements on water quality, environmental aspects, climate adaptation measures, and more. We are now at a stage that we have a first plan, a testing location at the Green Village TU Delft, and the materials to start trial and error. And from now on, we would like to start involving people in co-creating this together with us, knowing that the input from DIY and IoT experts, but also potential and future users is what we need. Therefore, I would like to invite you all to join us in thinking how we can work on this together! See for more information the website link blog.
Saturday 27 January
17:15-18:00, Auditorium

Samen Meten Utrecht is het platform voor alle meetprojecten in de provincie Utrecht voor een gezonde leefomgeving. Tijdens een live-evenement presenteren verschillende meetprojecten zich aan elkaar. Leer je nieuwe meetmethoden kennen, krijg je nieuwe inzichten en kom je in contact met andere wetenschappers, overheden, kennisinstellingen of inwoners.
Tijdens een brainstorm horen we graag van jou wat de succesfactoren zijn van dit event. Wie is onmisbaar en wat mag je verwachten?
Help jij mee dit festival vorm te geven?
Sunday 28 January
10:50-11:20, Auditorium

Drinkable Rivers runs an ambitious citizen science programme. This programme enables people to monitor the health of their rivers. Ultimately, it also helps us to track progress towards our goal: a world with drinkable rivers. We currently have 60 citizen science hubs in 20 countries. These hubs are run by enthusiastic people who mobilise volunteers around them to join. Most hubs are part of local environmental organisations, schools, visitor centers or companies. All hubs use our professional measurement kit and share their research data on our data platform. We collect 14 different measurements related to: location, shape, environmental health, chemical composition, physical aspects, and more.
During this lecture I would like to tell about the program, show the measurement kit and material we use, and discuss possibilities for data use and analysis that we should start in the coming years.
Sunday 28 January
12:20-13:00, Auditorium
We are interested in the use of a public LoRa network for maintaining a network of AED's in Amersfoort.
We want to be sure that every AED is in position and a signal is given when the AED moves or for a reanimation or when some tries to steel it.
Saturday 27 January
12:45-13:00, Auditorium

First a short comment about the activities of the IoT Apeldoorn foundation.
Then the question how to measure the urban jungle.
We are currently working on a low-priced, easy-to-build, high-quality sound sensor. The basic principles of sound and architecture will be explained. But we would also like to learn from your experiences.
Saturday 27 January
11:00-11:45, Auditorium

At the WAR a tree is equipped with a DIY dendrometer ,which measures the changes in tree-diameter during the day since june 2023 The measurements are compared with those from the twittering Beech-tree in Schovenhorst (Treewatch-project)
Saturday 27 January
16:15-17:00, Auditorium

Groundwater Global Foundation exists to support citizens in the management of their groundwater.
With the Groundwater Global app, everyone can hand measure the groundwater level in their garden, using their smartphone's speakers and microphone.
This information can be useful for the plants, trees, and the foundations of old buildings in the west of the Netherlands.
In particular in times of drought, when the groundwater level is low and plants wilt, or in times of floods when basements of houses overflow.
The groundwater monitoring can be a private undertaking, for those interested in their groundwater level but who may not want to share their data. It can also be done as a citizen scientist, where users choose to make their locations and measurements visible.
This way, users can see each other's measurements, and cooperate by reminding their community members that it is time to do a measurement. Measurements can be done weekly, or monthly, customizable per location.
Groundwater Global Foundation combines a single platform for citizens and professionals. We stand for joint groundwater management and transparency, where citizens and professionals work on (ground) water management, together.
I will demonstrate how the app works, and how to take a measurement. I will also explain how you can install your groundwater well in your garden yourself, using a manual made by the citizen science platform WaterLab.
Saturday 27 January
15:15-16:00, Auditorium

It is proposed to set up a measuring network to demonstrate the shortcomings of the local electricity distribution network during hours of maximum solar energy production. Such a network is possible using cheap smart power monitoring plugs equipped with Tasmota open source software.
Sunday January 28th, 2024
Sunday 28 January
15:15-16:00, Auditorium

We'll take a brief look at the discovery of the the 21 cm hydrogen (HI) line, and its history in The Netherlands. Today you can repeat this discovery with simple equipment from your backyard. We'll be doing a live (remote) demo receiving hydrogen radio waves from the Milky Way.
Sunday 28 January
14:15-15:00, Auditorium
This is a presentation and discussion on the transformative potential of Fablab innovations to create a better world. I will give an introduction about the findings of my PhD research on Fablab innovations in Toulouse. This city is a hotspot for the 'makers'.
Sunday 28 January
10:30-10:50, Auditorium

A fully designed Doppler radar headset where you can hear the Doppler effect in real time.
Saturday 27 January
13:30-15:00, Kantine
20:00-22:00, FabLab
To find out how school software handles privacy, there are
various tools that allow you to see what is going on in the
background, invisible to the user, is all happening. For our
research we are looking for people who have access to
school software (as a teacher, parent or student) and would like to log in and share the results. Help us find out which
trackers are hiding! Using a simple app that works on
any browser we can easily find out these trackers.
Saturday 27 January
14:00-15:00, FabLab
Saturday 27 January
13:00-14:00, Kantine
Sunday 28 January
13:00-14:00, Kantine
Saturday 27 January
09:00-10:00, Kantine
Sunday 28 January
09:00-10:00, Kantine