Line-up for Meetkoppel'25

Annual Community Science Unconference.

lecture: Egon Kastelijn, Matthijs Kooijman en Harmen Zijp - Interchange data format for civil science measurements

For years we ran our own sensor stations, stored their data on our own servers and made our own graphs and maps, each with our own favorite tools. However, to get more value out of our combined efforts we need to settle on a standard format to describe our data and observations, as well as the context or equipment in which they were made. In this presentation we propose a set of standards to do just that and lay out how this may help to connect not only between grassroots communities but also with researchers in governments and academia.
Sunday 26 January
10:00-10:45, FabLab

hackathon: Diana - Measuring habitats

Brainstorm om samen te bepalen welke factoren je wilt bekijken als je habitats in de stad in kaart wilt brengen. Aan de hand van de gidssoorten voor Amersfoort kijken we naar de verschillende kenmerken van het stadslandschap en hoe we die willen inventariseren.
Brainstorm about how to make an inventory of habitats in the city, with the guide species for Amersfoort in mind. What do we look for? How will we get them into the database?
Saturday 25 January
12:00-12:45, Bibliotheek

other: Diana - Habitat walk

In deze wandeling kijken we of we de ingredienten die we de vorige dag verzameld hebben toe kunnen passen in een wandeling. We kijken welke (delen van) habitats we kunnen vinden en of we die kunnen linken aan de eisen van de gidssoorten.
In this walk we will see if we can use the ingredients of last days' brainstorm to measure habitats for the guide species of Amersfoort.
Sunday 26 January
12:00-12:45, FabLab

workshop: Andries Lohmeijer - Revive your Omgevingsmonitor

The revised software for the platform DeOmgevingsmonitor will be available during Koppelting. I will bring programmer and SEN55 sensoren to update and register your device.
Sunday 26 January
14:00-16:00, FabLab

hackathon: Peter Mansvelder - Home Assistent tinkering session/knutselsessie

Come and work on getting your sensors connected to Home Assistent!
Sunday 26 January
14:00-16:00, FabLab

other: Meet je Stad - 10 jaar Meet je Stad!

Meet je Stad bestaat 10 jaar! Kom het met ons vieren op zondag 26 januari. Om 16:00 drankjes en terugblik op wat we allemaal al bereikt hebben, 18:00 gezellig samen eten.
Meet je Stadters van het eerste uur, nieuwkomers en geinteresseerden, kom langs!
Sunday 26 January
16:00-17:30, Kantine

hackathon: Thomas Telkamp & de Spullenmannen - Building a space robot

We will build a radio telescope from and old industrial robot arm, an antenna and a software defined radio device. If all works well we will be able to map our galaxy's spiral arms by measuring the emission of hydrogen atoms in the Milky Way. If all works really well we will make plans to hoist it up the roof and add it as a permanent radio observatory at De WAR. If on the other hand things don't work according to plan we will have had a lot of fun playing with robots. Please join!
Saturday 25 January
10:00-17:00, FabLab

hackathon: Matthijs Kooijman - Prototyping a low-power LoRaWAN gateway

Wireless communication via The Things Network relies on central gateways that shuttle information via the LoRaWAN radio and the internet. These gateways are best deployed in high places which do not always have internet or even power available. Using a 4G uplink and a solar panel is an attractive way to make such a gateway self-contained and easy to deploy.

However, currently available gateways, especially in the self-built open hardware arena, are typically too power-hungry for such a setup.

In this hackathon we will experiment with some more low-power gateway radio modules, combining them with new and power-efficient Milk-V Linux boards and a low-power 4G-cat1 module, with the end goal of making a custom circuit board to make it easy to build such a low-power yourself.
Saturday 25 January
10:00-17:00, FabLab

lecture: Egon Kastelijn (Coöperatief Meten Natuurlijk U.A.) - The ongoing 6-year journey of a local citizen science initiative

In 2018, we as residents of Zeist began an initiative to measure air quality. Over time, we expanded to three projects: measuring air quality, collecting biodiversity-data, and tracking flight movements. We also gained valuable experience with 3D printing, secure software development, and data processing.

In this session, we’ll share some technical details of the insights what we achieved, but mainly our journey and the efforts that have made our initiative visible and impactful.
Sunday 26 January
11:00-11:45, FabLab

workshop: Harmen Zijp - Skill Tree for Public Tech

Now recent upheaval about Big Tech owners' behaviour has made many people aware of pressing ethical issues surrounding the platforms they use, a handy guide for switching to Public Tech might help. In this workshop I want to create a Skill Tree for Public Tech, offering a roadmap with concrete steps to escape the walled garden, from beginner to more advanced steps.
Sunday 26 January
14:00-16:00, Kantine

demonstration: Coöperatief Meten Natuurlijk U.A. - Lightning talk : Buying a 3D printer? Improve your PAF !

Thinking about buying a 3D printer, but worried your spouse might have some reservations? This session could help boost your PAF (Partner Acceptance Factor)!

Discover the limitless possibilities that a 3D printer offers, constrained only by your imagination. In this concise session, we’ll showcase a variety of practical and functional objects we've printed. Plus, we'll dive into some technical challenges and the clever solutions we’ve come up with.

Join us to see how 3D printing can become an indispensable tool in your household!
Sunday 26 January
12:45-13:00, FabLab

demonstration: Egbert Bouwhuis - aanjager buurt-energie-platform

In 2019 bouwden mijn zoon en de wijk een groepsmeter, open source te vinden via (onderaan). De groepsmeter bundelt tot max 10 deelnemers in een 'energie-groep'. Daarmee kun je vanalles doen, enkele voorbeeld passeren de revue.
Saturday 25 January
14:00-14:45, Bibliotheek

other: Breakfast

Saturday 25 January
09:00-10:00, Kantine
Sunday 26 January
09:00-10:00, Kantine

other: Lunch

Saturday 25 January
13:00-14:00, Kantine
Sunday 26 January
13:00-14:00, Kantine