Welcome-address, introducing ourselves and sorting out technical hiccups.
Saturday January 29
10:00-10:45, Plenary

In 2020 we started a project to build our own soil moisture sensor to add to the MeetJeStad platform. This provided quite a challenge, but has taught us a great deal about measuring soil moisture. Recently we included moisture measurements to a setup for green roofs and this year we want to start giving workshops for soil measurements. In this presentation we would like to share the lessons learned, show some of the data we gathered so far and discuss future ideas and challenges for (soil) moisture measurements.
Sunday January 30
11:00-11:45, Plenary
Green roofs have many merits, but how biodiverse are they? How many types of plants are there, and how many insects? Can we think of a way to automatically count biodiversity on green roofs?
Sunday January 30
14:00-14:45, Plenary
Meetjestad! stations were first built in 2016 and now some come back for repair.
An introduction to the faults that can occur and what can be done to fix them.
Saturday January 29
12:00-12:45, Plenary

To share and evaluate measurement results, graphs are very effective.
At Meetjestad!, we use time graphs to evaluate developments.
Presentation of graphs made of temperature, humidity, PM (fijnstof), soil-moisture and green-roof sensor measurements, and of battery and station lifetime.
Proposals for battery lifetime optimization and sensor calibration.
Sunday January 30
15:00-15:45, Plenary
While some aspects of community science easily attract large numbers of participants other parts of the process appear to be harder fought. In short: many people like to assemble a weather station and start contributing data but few seem to find their way into data analysis or translating insights into political action. This presentation attempts to find lessons to learn and proposes ways to apply them to other aspects.
Sunday January 30
16:00-16:45, Plenary

LoRaWan Measurement sensors kit with dust, meteo and GPS sensors: design, energy, software and data communication. The Why, the How and lessons learned in 4 years.
The presentation will have much detail. This to reread and reuse the slides later off line. Slides will be made publicly available on Koppelting as well on Behoud de Parel websites.
Saturday January 29
11:00-11:45, Plenary

Practical example (how we implemented it) of highly dynamic Measurements Data Exchange Format (draft design). How we use it.
Version 2 as introduced at Koppelting exactly 2 years ago.
The presentation will have much detail. This to reread and reuse the slides later off line. Slides will be made publicly available on Koppelting as well on Behoud de Parel websites.
Saturday January 29
15:00-15:45, Plenary

Tracking air traffic is just for the biggest nerds among us, isn't it? The ones sitting in camping chairs at the end of the runway with expensive SLR cameras and hats with the Boeing logo on them? And who gets a push alert from FlightRadar24 when a jumbo jet comes flying by? In this presentation, the speaker will argue that this belief is a myth. Building your own flight radar and monitoring the air traffic is not only fun, cheap and relatively easy. The information you capture is actually – believe it or not – useful for purposes such as weather monitoring and journalism.
Sunday January 30
10:00-10:45, Plenary

For the first time ever we bounced a LoRa message off the Moon on October 5th 2021, using the Dwingeloo radio telescope. The signal traveled an amazing distance of 730360 km, which to our knowledge is the furthest distance a LoRa modulated message has ever traveled.
For a short moment the entire message was in space, in between the Earth and the Moon. We transmitted the signal with a Semtech LR1110 RF transceiver chip (in the 430-440 Mhz amateur band), amplified to 350 Watt, using the 25 meter dish of the telescope. Then, 2.44 seconds later, it was received by the same chip.
Saturday January 29
16:00-16:45, Plenary

The Citizens Initiative (CI) Van Ring naar Park in Amersfoort aims for a transition of the local city ring road called Stadsring to a green blue park scenery where only limited motorized traffic will be admitted.
In June 2022 CI will participate in the Festival of Insight. During this festival we want to inform people amongst others about health issues and compare health related issues of high volume traffic to those of low volume traffic on the Stadsring. The question is whether measurements will be a successful option or will the use of models including proper input be the only real option.
Saturday January 29
14:00-14:45, Plenary

3 years ago we started measuring air quality in Zeist with a group of interested an active participants.
We found out that a significant part of these participants are also interested in nature and biodiversity.
They are using ObsMapp and ObsIdentify to register observations of species on Waarneming.nl
The data is open data, and the amount of users and observations has increased significantly since COVID-19.
The website of Waarneming.nl gives some nice insights, but we believe that there is more value in the data than just the single observations.
Our citizen-science community wants to explore if we can/may (re)use the existing data of Waarneming.nl.
In this session we ask ourselves the question:
# Citizen Science
* What other open data-sources that would we interesting to mix/combine?
* What kind of insights would be helpful?
# Municipalities
* Are municipalities aware of this large data-source? Are they using it already?
* What type of (combined) data do municipalities need for policy-making?
* Could this help municipalities to extend their 'soortenmanagementplan'?
# Motivation
* Can a project like this me a motivation for people to start with bio-observations?
Sunday January 30
12:00-12:45, Plenary